They call it "the world´s most dangerous road"...because it is. Approx 300 deaths a year on it until a new safer bypass was opened a couple of years back taking most cars/trucks off it.
First 30kms are on tarmac before it becomes the actual Death Road, and then to make things interesting it becomes 35kms of loose rock and gravel with 500m drops off the side. Starting at around 4600m above sea level, you gasp for air before descending approx 3600m of earpopping, constant-braking, vertigo-inducing madness. And just to make it educational, your guide constantly stops you to point out another place where anywhere from 1 to 100 people plunged to their death. Then you check your brakes again...and again...and again...and then continue downhill.
One of our "support" vehicles carefully making it´s way down ahead of us. "Support" as in "we´ll notify your next of kin if we see what happened"
Breathtakingly gorgeous. Nice scenery too.
Oops, I think I just dropped my keys.
Are we nearly there yet?
Running uphill at 4000m above sea level. Don´t try this at home. Patient now doing fine.
Hi, I took a photo during our Death road experience. Here´s the link:
Keep up the good work! :)
Much appreciated. The most extreme Crap Elvis adventure so far!
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